We are so thankful for all of the continued support from our faithful sponsors. We know that Covid-19 has affected everyone in some way, and there are just so many unknowns. As hard as we have been hit here in America, I’m sure you can imagine that there have been some incredibly difficult situations for the nation of Haiti. We wanted to give some updates on what our plan of action is, and share some ways that you can help.

As you know, we have had quite a few graduates from the program. Our goal at Haiti Children’s Project has always been to equip native Haitians to provide solutions and aid in their own country. Some of our graduates have been fortunate enough to graduate from University, and now their goal is to travel throughout Haiti and provide assistance in the Covid-19 crisis.
The Haiti Children Project will fund a medical outreach program for the Jeremie region to combat the coronavirus pandemic problem there. This program will entail an all-out blitz of the entire area with visitation by doctors and nurses to all of the villages in that region not only to treat patients but also to educate the people on how to avoid the virus.
Here is what they are doing:
- Visit houses where they can provide medical care for many other treatable diseases that are still rampant in the country by organizing a special mobile clinic.
- Sustain the families of about 8 villages with food kits in order to help them stay home and reduce the spread of coronavirus.
- Provide educational resources about Covid-19 and show people what they can do to prevent themselves from coronavirus.

Thank you for your support! God Bless You!